Merit & co.

Merit & co.

Our Performance Companies are grouped by age and skill levels. Dancers may audition for a spot in the company and commit to the following requirements:

1) Each company learns 2 routines and will travel to 2-4 competitions per year. This may require out of state travel with a parent/guardian, as well as additional costs including, choreography, costumes, entrance fees, & hotel stays. Your instructor will select costumes and competitions with cost in mind.

2) In preparation for competitions, Companies may perform at local venues and events. Details of these performances will be distributed well in advance.

3) Attend required 2-6 hours of classes per week. Classes will vary depending on age, but may include:

  1. Company Class - Learn and clean choreography

  2. Ballet Class - You will begin in the Company Ballet class and then may move into the Intermediate class if approved by your teacher. Ballet provides strength training and refines necessary skills.

  3. Leaps, Turns, & Strength - Learn and refine the exciting leaps, turns, and  tricks which will be used in your company's choreography.

  4. Improv - This class focuses of the art of dance and dance-making. Enhance your performance skills, improvisation techniques, and learn the basics of creating your own choreography.

  5. One Elective Class.

4) Maintain excellent attendance and attitude throughout the year. Dancers who do not maintain either may be removed from their Company at the discretion of their

What Does it look like to be a Merit & Co. Member?

  • Team First Individual Second

  • Support, Support, Support

  • Lead By Example

  • Unparalleled Dedication

  • Respect, Kindness, Positivity

  • Show up & Be Present